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Eve Preste

Life Coach/Hypnotist/Reiki Practitioner

Eve Preste is a certified life coach, Hypnotist and Reiki practitioner. Eve is the author of “My Journey Through Breast Cancer. ” Eve is a full time practicing hypnotist, who, with her deep spiritual nature is able to create a positive frame of mind for lasting life changes. Eve holds a BA in Journalism, Broadcasting and Speech and is certified with the National Guild of hypnotists, life coaching through Fowler Wainwright and reiki through Deena Gail Elmore. By using her reiki principles and techniques, she opens the heart chakra allowing deep healing to take place. She is able to synchronize the mind with the heart, raise one’s vibrational awareness, and create a higher level of consciousness with her clients. Eve teaches her clients how to effectively use the power within the mind to create a transformative life filled with love and bliss. Each experience with Eve is very positive and life changing. She states that we are all created for greatness and we just need to tap into it. Her intuitive nature gives her the direction on how to approach each client on an individual basis. 

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Eve Preste, also known as "Angel Eve," is a highly experienced Life Coach Hypnotist and Reiki Practitioner, with over 11 years of professional practice. Based in Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton, Florida, she offers both in-person and virtual sessions to cater to clients' needs. Eve provides a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their inner selves, heal from past traumas, and overcome limiting beliefs. With her guidance, clients can discover their true potential and live a more fulfilling life.


As a certified Hypnotist, Eve helps clients to access their subconscious mind and reprogram negative thought patterns. Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness and is a powerful tool for self-improvement. Through this practice, Eve assists clients in letting go of fears, anxiety, and other limiting beliefs, and creating new habits and behaviors that support their goals.


Eve is also a certified Reiki Practitioner, which is a form of energy healing that promotes relaxation, balance, and harmony within the body. Reiki can help clients to release emotional and physical tension, reduce stress, and promote overall wellbeing. Eve's compassionate and intuitive approach ensures that each client receives personalized attention and care during each session.


Whether in-person or virtual, Eve's unique approach to Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Reiki provides clients with a powerful combination of tools to help them overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and live their best life. Her practice has helped many clients in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, and beyond to transform their lives, and she looks forward to assisting you on your journey to personal growth and empowerment.


Chakra Balancing


The human body possesses energy centers that are the openings for the flow of energy in and out of our aura and contribute to greater health and wellbeing. These centers are called chakras, a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk,” commonly used in Hinduism and Buddhism practices.


Your Body Bears 7 Major Chakras


· The Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is an important energy source, controlling your feelings of survivability, grounding, stability, and sense of belonging


· The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Found just below the navel, this chakra represents fertility, creativity, and the health of your reproductive system


· The Solar Plexis Chakra (Manipura) – This channels energy for confidence, power, and personal identity. It is found below the ribcage at the navel


· The Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Forgiveness and acceptance. This energy source influences love and compassion, relationships, and togetherness.


· The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – This influences your ability to communicate and express yourself. It also means controlling your voice and listening to others


· The Third Eye Chakra (Anja) – Your third eye influences perception, and intuition, and directly influences all of the other chakras. It is located between both brows.


· The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – The spiritual connection, and whom we identify as outside of the physical self. It is located just above the top of your head


Each of the chakras vibrates to varying degrees, with the crown vibrating at the greatest speed. When these chakras are not in harmonious balance or become blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. This imbalance can cause feelings of fatigue and listlessness. It also greatly impacts mental faculties causing confusion, depression, anger, and difficulty navigating relationships.


How Chakra Balancing Works


A Chakra Balancing is a form of alternative medicine that will allow you to effectively remove obstacles blocking the flow of life energy. This can involve active meditations that allow you to release pain from past experiences, change negative habits and promote positive behaviors, and cleanse the energy sources through traditional yogi practices.


Prestege Wellness offers Chakra Balancing services to promote a healthy mind body connection and even an improved immune system. Our rates are as follows:


Session with Crystal – 30 min / $50.00


Chakra Balance with Crystal – 60 min / $100

Hypnosis Theraphy


Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, known as a trance state, which is mindfully induced by one person—the hypnotist or hypnotherapist—on another individual person or group of people—the hypnotic subject or subjects. The change in consciousness that occurs under hypnosis is more than just a feeling: it can actually be measured and observed on the EEG readings of the brains of hypnotic subjects.


While in a hypnotic trance, the person being hypnotized, or hypnotic subject, is more open to suggestions by the hypnotist or hypnotherapist than they are in their usual fully alert state. They generally become more passive and compliant with role-playing as directed by the hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Under hypnosis, people can become more imaginative, more open to fantasy, and sometimes, more able to access long-forgotten memories.


Below we’ll discuss some of the basic information you may want to know before booking Fort Lauderdale hypnotherapy sessions: why hypnosis is used in health care, how diving into your subconscious mind can help unlock problems for your conscious mind, and the importance of getting hypnotized by a trained therapist.


This will give you a greater understanding of the state of hypnosis today, which in turn will allow you to determine whether or not it’s right for you.


Clinical Hypnosis Fort Lauderdale


Clinical hypnosis targets the mind/body divide. When dealing with a trained professional, you can reach a state of focused attention during the trance. This allows you to fine-tune many things that impact the mind or body.


It’s important to note that this procedure should be done by someone who’s been trained in the field. You might be able to get hypnotized by a magician, but you won’t be able to get scientifically-backed treatment from one. If you’re hoping that hypnosis can unlock something within you: Fort Lauderdale hypnotherapy is really what you’re looking for: a tool used by a trained therapist to help find the solution to something that’s ailing you. Hypnosis can sometimes simply be a fun party trick, but Fort Lauderdale hypnotherapy treatment can help you deal with physical or mental health issues.


When you visit a trained therapist for hypnosis in Fort Lauderdale, they’ll use hypnosis to help you work through your problems. Fort Lauderdale hypnotherapy is a holistic practice: one that recognizes you as an individual with a variety of competing needs and functions. You might learn more about pain control, how your body works, or how your mind works.


The Power of Hypnosis


There are a variety of different applications available to hypnosis patients: losing weight, smoking cessation, and chronic pain management. It’s also great for people struggling with fears, phobias, or anxiety. Even irritable bowel syndrome can be solved with the proper application of hypnosis.


Hypnosis helps release energy blocks in the human biofield, bringing energy and balance back to the individual.


When a professional puts you in a hypnotic state, they’re able to reach your subconscious mind and help you dig deep to unlock past memories and release trauma, fears, and phobias. There are also some who simply enjoy the relaxed state that a professional hypnotist can put you under.


Looking for a Hypnotherapy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?


Prestege Wellness is the Fort Lauderdale hypnotherapy & holistic medical practice of choice. We understand you’re more than just one physical ailment. In fact, we understand that you’re more than just your body: we also take your mind and soul into account when providing treatment for hypnosis in Fort Lauderdale.


To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us about Fort Lauderdale’s hypnotherapy.

Reiki Theraphy


Reiki therapy, or reiki healing, is one of many complementary therapies created by a Japanese medical professional. These healing techniques involve a transfer of “life force energy” by “laying on hands.” Reiki Fort Lauderdale literally translates to universal life energy from Japanese.



Where Does Reiki Therapy Come From?



Japanese Reiki Master Mikao Usui discovered this therapy as a treatment for physical, emotional, or mental distress. His technique Usui Shiki Ryoho, or Usui Reiki, is the method of utilizing life energy to heal the self and others.



Reiki practitioners believe the concept to be relatively simple. If you are low on Reiki energy, you will feel fatigued and ill. If you have ample amounts of energy, you will feel lively and more capable of being happy and healthy.



Reiki masters realized that energy can stagnate and cause blocks when triggered by physical or mental trauma. This alternative therapy encourages new flow of energy to promote natural healing, remove stress, and encourage deep relaxation that harmonizes everything.



Does Reiki Therapy Work?



Studies show that Reiki Fort Lauderdale is effective at helping to reduce pain and symptoms caused by illness. It’s successfully seen use in treating cancer, heart disease, depression, Crohn’s Disease, and various fatigue syndromes. Side effects include feeling refreshed, intense relaxation, and mitigation or disappearance of pain.



There is no risk of harm or negative side effects involved with Reiki Therapy. Studies show that sensations of touch have a direct impact on feelings of wellbeing and trust. It is a wonderful form of complementary medicine to deal with already painful illness or disease.



Reiki Therapy In Fort Lauderdale by Prestege Wellness



At Prestege Wellness, Eve Preste, certified life coach, Hypnotist, and Reiki Practitioner, conducts Reiki therapy in Fort Lauderdale for 60 to 90 minutes. Unlike massage or acupuncture in Fort Lauderdale, the patient remains fully clothed throughout the process.



Our session for reiki in Fort Lauderdale uses a hand position over a specific area for several minutes, transferring energy to your body. This process repeats all over the body including the head, torso, limbs, and any obviously wounded area.



Our rates for Reiki Therapy in Fort Lauderdale sessions are as follows:



· 60 Min Session / $99



· 90 Min Session / $135

Transformational Life



Eve offers life coaching services in Fort Lauderdale to clients regarding their personal and professional lives. As a Hypnotist and Reiki practitioner in Fort Lauderdale, she is able to identify the presence of negative energy blocking the energy centers of the body.

Refocus Your Professional Life

The workplace can sometimes prove to be a negative part of your life. If you’re unhappy with your current situation, feel like you’re not reaching your full potential, or struggle with life balancing, you’ll be left feeling down and out.

Eve Preste is a professionally trained coach who utilizes techniques to guide clients to reinvent their spiritual self. This coach relationship will encourage you to adapt a new dynamic dimension of thinking, acting, and living. By reframing the way we view our lives and react to it, we can control the energy flow throughout our bodies. This remapping and rewiring of the brain synapses releases the negative thought patterns in the subconscious mind and Eve retains the brain which allows her clients to connect to all that is positive & life changing.

Attain Your Personal Goals

A lack of personal fulfillment is a major culprit in causing you to feel hopeless, dejected, and filled with negative energy. Eve believes that every human being is destined for greatness. Her love and enthusiasm for all people raises vibrational frequencies that govern the mind, body, and soul.

With renewed life force energy and vigor, Eve will teach you techniques to help you maintain healthy energy in your personal life. Maintaining empowerment and taking care of the self will allow you to be stronger, happier, and ultimately reach your goals.

Eve Preste – Professional Life Coaching Sevices in Fort Lauderdale

Eve Preste is a professional who knows how to help patients get the most out of their lives and achieve their goals. Her expertise in hypnosis and Reiki Therapy in Fort Lauderdale allow for additional methods of releasing negative energy and thoughts. This healthy combination of verbal communication alongside regular Wellness Intake and Chakra Balancing will restore you to the best version of yourself.

The rates for Eve’s Transformational Life Coaching Services in Fort Lauderdale are as follows:

· Transformational Life Coaching Session

· 1 Hr / $100

· 2 Hrs / $200

· Package of 3 / $250

· Transformational Life Coaching Session with Wellness Intake

· 90 Mins / $150

· Transformational Life Coaching with Chakra Balancing

· 90 Mins / $150

Nutrition Support


Micronutrients Testing

If you want to improve your health and lose weight, you need to find or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to put together diet plans and achieve the right level of physical activity in today’s society.



Our Weight Loss program
is designed to give you the knowledge you need to achieve a healthy weight. The
process is simple: once you get annual labs from your primary doctor, we can
look over these results to make recommendations.



Because our focus is on
holistic medicine, these recommendations will be focused on natural
supplements, as well as other methods of obtaining the nutrients you need
without resorting to high-cost medications.



This program is about
more than just a number of the scale. When you visit with us, we want to ensure
you’re able to live life to the fullest, which means focusing on any health
issues you may be having: this can include blood pressure issues, high
cholesterol, and more.



By finding natural
solutions to these issues, you can find a healthier, less invasive way of
taking care of your body. Our goal is to empower you to make the decisions your
body needs you to make.





We always endeavor to
ensure that everyone we visit is satisfied with the service we provide. If you
want a more in-depth view of your body and the weight loss solutions you can
use, we have two main tests we often recommend: a micronutrient test and a
genetic test.



Micronutrient tests
allow you to see if your body has any nutrient deficiencies. This is important
because you may lose vitamins when you exercise. If you’re not supplementing
them, your body may not be able to get the full benefits of a workout.



The genetic test is more
thorough than 23 and me, and it allows you to understand how your DNA is
impacting your weight loss journey.



The more information we
have, the more comprehensive a plan we’ll be able to give you to help you
achieve your weight loss goals.



Schedule an Appointment
with Eve Preste



If this program sounds
like a good fit for you, we’re happy to schedule a consultation with you.
You’ll be meeting with Eve Preste, a certified life coach who believes in the
power of listening. Every time she meets with someone, she strives to
understand where their problems are coming from, as well as how these problems
can be fixed.



For help during your
weight loss journey, schedule an appointment with Eve Preste today.


(954) 263-9555

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