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Dr. Jeffery Middleton

Chiropractor, Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist
& Holistic Pain Management

Dr. Jeffrey Middleton is president and founder of Lord's Chiropractic & Research, Inc.  He is a graduate of Life University, and attended Florida State University for his undergrad.  After receiving his doctorate, he completed three years of post-graduate training to become board certified in the Atlas Orthogonal technique. 

In practice since 1991, Dr. Middleton has earned an unparalleled reputation in South Florida.  His skill level and attention to detail are outstanding, but what sets him apart is his compassion and commitment to individualized care.  His philosophy is simple:  "Always try to identify the root cause of any health issue." 

In addition to his chiropractic practice, Dr. Middleton is a respected speaker at various integrative medicine conferences.  He is also dedicated to the research of spectroscopy and its effect on human biochemistry as it relates to cancer.  In 2002, he invented a tunable laser that effectively reduces tumor inflammation with no side effects.

Dr. Middleton lives in Fort Lauderdale with his wife and daughter. He enjoys learning about the latest medical advances, staying fit and studying the Bible.

We specialize in treatment of the following conditions: 


  • Auto Accident Injuries

  • Sports Injuries

  • Neck & Back Pain

  • Herniated Disks

  • Migraines

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Scoliosis

  • Vertigo

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We offer the following services:


  • Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic

  • Cold Laser Therapy

  • Seizures, including Epileptic

  • Leg & Arm Numbness

  • Sinus Problems

  • Allergies

  • Bell's Palsy

  • Horner's Syndrome

  • Endometriosis

  • Addiction

  • Chemo Side-Effects


  • Seizures, including Epileptic

  • Leg & Arm Numbness

  • Sinus Problems

  • Allergies

  • Bell's Palsy

  • Horner's Syndrome

  • Endometriosis

  • Addiction

  • Chemo Side-Effects

  • Medical Misdiagnoses  





  • Medical Misdiagnoses  

  • Genetic Testing

  • Laser Acupuncture

  • Physiotherapy

  • Nutritional Counseling

  • Applied Kinesiology

  • Allergy & Hypersensitivity location/elimination

  • Quit Smoking

  • Detoxification

Chiropractic care sees the correction of spinal issues and chronic pain by readjusting vertebrae. These manual adjustments happen by way of adjusting various body parts and joints to realign the spine correctly. 


Atlas Orthogonal


The Founder - Roy W. Sweat

The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic technique was developed by Dr. Roy W. Sweat. Dr. Sweat studied at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, and began practicing Chiropractic in 1950. He is board certified in Atlas Orthogonality and has authored four books, thirty articles, and led seminars on its methods. Dr. Sweat has designed an Atlas Orthogonal computerized X-ray analysis program, a chiropractic adjustment instrument, and X-ray equipment.

For more information on Dr. Sweat, please visit the official site of the Sweat Institute.


The Technique 

The structural balance of the human body is maintained by the precise interaction of the muscles which, under control of the nervous system, permit the skeletal framework to move and flex in a relatively unrestricted manner. Much of that complicated system of nerves is housed and protected by the spinal vertebrae. Ironically, these same spinal vertebrae are often the underlying cause of pain, loss of mobility and sensation when they are moved, by a variety of causes, out of proper alignment. This condition is referred to as subluxation. Since the human body is called upon to function largely in an upright position, its' spinal column must be able to support its ever shifting weight as the body walks, runs, lifts and bends. 

The word "atlas" itself refers to the uppermost vertebra in the spine, more officially referred to as the C1. By using x-ray images of the neck, the Chiropractor can determine the extent and direction of spinal misalignment. The doctor can then decide how best the atlas can be adjusted to address the specific problem of the patient.

Even though the Chiropractor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal conditions, his care of the affected area often results in dramatic improvements in the health of other parts of the body, not generally thought of as being associated with the spine.

For more information on the AO technique, click here.


The Instrument 

The Atlas Orthogonal Instrument works on the principle of percussion. Imagine a leaf floating on a pond. When you drop a rock into the pond, the surface ripples and the ripples in turn move the leaf. In this case, the long stylus serves as the pond, while the pressure controlled actuator inside the head acts as the rock. The bones in your neck are like the leaf, so that when an impulse is sent by the actuator through the stylus, although the stylus doesn't move, the impact moves the targeted bone in the neck. Don't be afraid of the instrument's initially intimidating form, because honestly, an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment using this precision percussion instrument is almost always completely painless. You'll be amazed at the results.



Dr. Middleton will take three Radiographs, or X-Rays, of your cervical spine to determine your exact condition. Ideally, your atlas should be orthogonal (perpendicular) relative to the center of the skull both in the frontal and horizontal plane, as well as to the center of the lower cervical spine. 


Why Do I Need a Chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale?


Receiving reliable chiropractic treatment can promote pain relief caused by sports injuries, whiplash, lower back issues, and more. If you feel consistent pain in your legs, experience a limited range of movement, have joint or muscle pain, or experience consistent headaches, Dr. Jeffrey Middleton, D.C., B.C.A.O., is the reliable chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, who will provide appropriate chiropractic health care options for you today.


When the physical body is out of alignment, the nervous system is compromised in such a way that it can cause a myriad of other issues that can be diagnosed or not diagnosed. The end result is that this affects the physical body with pain, migraines, and other health issues and mysterious symptoms that confused the medically trained mind.


People are often told these symptoms are fabricated in their mind and their issues isn’t real because it doesn’t fit the medical paradigm. Dr. Middleton functions as a forensic healthcare advocate & chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, who intuitively listens and discovers the underlying cause of the problem.


He suffered greatly under the hands of other doctors and feels that there is a solution to every issue. His strength includes the fact that he lived this reality himself. He was told that he was a hypochondriac, that “this will go away when it stops serving you.”


A Variety of Treatment Options


Dr. Middleton is a licensed specialist chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, capable of providing restoration of health through spinal adjustments.


Because of this, he can also provide you with knowledge and techniques to regularly promote a healthy-feeling body. They can also provide multiple options of physical therapy in Fort Lauderdale to promote a better range of mobility and increase circulation. They may also take X-ray images in an effort to accurately identify the extent and direction of the misalignment.


Dr. Jeffrey Middleton – Licensed Chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, FL


Prestege Wellness is proud to provide atlas adjustments, physical therapy options, chiropractor services and more with specialist Dr. Jeffrey Middleton in Fort Lauderdale, FL. If you suffer from chronic pain, headaches, or undue stress, our chiropractic care can help you. Book an appointment today or contact us at (954)-626-6446 for more information regarding our services.


Genetic Testing

Do you think your health problems could be genetic? We offer DNA testing of key biochemical pathways with a simple saliva test.

When the genes necessary for repairing, maintaining and removing pollutants from the body are examined, we often find the underlying reason for unexplained symptoms. It is now possible to work around compromised genes by supplementing and eating for your specific mutation. For example, you may have normal vitamin D levels on a blood test. But your genetic test indicates inefficient vitamin D receptors. In order to compensate, you will need to take a larger dose of vitamin D to have normal function.

We can measure your ability to make and use enzymes that are critical components of your health. Some of the more significant enzymes include:

Glutathione- detoxifies the body and controls inflammation
SOD- neutralizes the superoxide free radical
BH4- supports the neurotransmitters and helps the body detox ammonia
Neurotransmitters- aids emotional health
Choline- enhances liver health
Folate- stimulates cell and neurotransmitter health
SAMe- supports mental sense of well being
B12- makes blood cells and supports a healthy nervous system

You will receive a comprehensive report focusing on the DNA that makes antioxidants (which neutralize harmful free radicals) and other important nutrients and enzymes like those listed above.

Dr. Middleton will discuss the results and make suggestions based on your specific genetic profile.


(954) 263-9555

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